A guide for regeneration

Just like tissues have built-in mechanisms for regeneration and rejuvenation, so does the mind. Because research is inherently stressful and filled with setbacks and disappointment, we follow a series of principles to help us regenerate and recover from the rejections inherent to research

Be on the same team

Science is collaborative, and we hold this value deeply. Help each other when asked; offer help when you see someone struggling. Every project is important for the lab and completion of any experiment will further our knowledge, and help secure the future of the lab and all of us.

Learn through failure

Science is hard and with every protocol the chance of failure is just around the corner, whether it’s technical or theoretical, whether it’s due to personal oversight, or factors beyond your control. In this lab, we expect failure and we celebrate it as an opportunity to learn. The best failures teach you something important about the model you are studying or about yourself and how you do science.